I, too, put myself at the bottom of the "to do" list. My time for me was always supposed to happen, after I did all of the things I must do for others. Somehow, I always was exhausted, or sick, by the time I got close to my name on my list. I finally went for some therapy, and learned to take time for me. What a Godsend!
I only answer the door, and the phone when it is convenient to do so. I take the time in the mornings to check in with myself to decide what fits for me, for that day. I am enjoying this time of my life, more than any other. To my surprise, when I was in therapy, I discovered that I knew far more about what my family, and my friends liked, than I did about what I enjoyed. That is sad.
The only real treat I have given myself during my lifetime has been reading. Thank God, I did have one outlet. Oh, and movies. I was an only child, and my parents taught me to put other people first. No one ever told me that I counted, too. No one ever asked me what I wanted. So, I finally learned to ask myself.