Rosemary, Barnes & Noble has loads of books by her, they just don't have that one. I can, however, purchase a used copy. I am going to look about a bit before I resort to the used. By the way, have I neglected to say that I really appreciate your tips? I have TWENTY-TWO (22) great grandchildren, 10 boys and 12 girls. The oldest is 19 and the youngest is 2 months. So I am kept quite busy buying books and need all the help I can get!
The boys are Kyle, Jack, Bobby, Sam, Simon, Max, Garrett, Willem, Ezra and Mateo.
The girls are Emily, Courtney, Brooke, Annabelle, Tallulah, Leah, Kiersten, Nissa, Drake, Lexa, Emma and Toia.
It absolutely amazes me that I can remember and think about and mentally hug each one of them. I guess that is Love.