I know Steph - I have lived in a village for the past two and a half years, and I am so looking forward to being back in the city. I have done this before - when my son was a baby 20+ yrs ago, we lived in a very remote part of Aberdeenshire and I was terribly isolated.
Every so often I get these whimsical ideas about living in the countryside, but now I really have decided that I am a city person and that's that. East Lothian is much more accessible than Aberdeenshire, and we do have some public transport, but I want to be able to walk to as many places as possible, and to have a frequent bus service to the places I can't walk to. I am so excited about being able to get to all the galleries, libraries, cinemas, theatres, etc. To have this, I am swapping a reasonable sized house with a garage, garden, etc, for a tenement flat with bedrooms the size of matchboxes, no garage, shared garden and nightmare parking - BUT the bus stops at the end of the road, you can walk along the canal into the city centre, and I will be surrounded by coffee shops, small groceries, interesting charity shops, etc.
Madeleine, my youngest, and I have decided that we can easily put up with small bedrooms in exchange for being able to get to the national gallery in 10 minutes on the bus. I've told one of my friends that if I ever get silly ideas about moving to the country again, she's to stop me in any way she chooses.....from now on my countryside will be provided either by the Botanics or on Sunday walks in the Pentlands.