Author Topic: The Library  (Read 2347019 times)


  • Posts: 1231
  • Sept 2013
Re: The Library
« Reply #12760 on: January 19, 2014, 04:25:15 PM »

The Library
Our library cafe is open 24/7, the welcome mat is always out.
Do come in from daily chores and spend some time with us.

We look forward to hearing from you, about you and the books you are enjoying (or not).

Let the book talk begin here!

I know few that do but many that don't. Some it depends on the weather . To cold or to hot. Not as many young people do now.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 6694
  • SE Missouri
Re: The Library
« Reply #12761 on: January 19, 2014, 08:51:29 PM »
I just realized today is Sunday.  I'm curious.  Does anyone still attend church every Sunday? 

Marjifay, in my fairly conservative town many many do. I used to, but had a bummer of a summer a few years ago and just kind of got out of the habit.  And then I found that I liked being home on a Sunday morning, and one thing led to another until I realized it had been more than a year since I last went.  And then it gets to the point where you think it's too late to start going again. I don't want to go regularly.


  • Posts: 3055
Re: The Library
« Reply #12762 on: January 20, 2014, 03:10:47 AM »
I attended every week when my children were younger, and kept it up when Anna was singing in the choir each week, but I must say that since she went to university I've hardly been.  Madeleine is not interested, which does not mean I can't go on my own, but I was beginning to find the local Church of Scotland less and less to my tastes.  It was very cliquey and most of the regulars were a lot older than I am - not a problem in itself, of course, but I found that they really only wanted to talk to one another and had very conservative views that I could not share.

I am thinking about trying a few churches in the city when we've moved.  I think I prefer the High Anglican ones (shades of Barbara Pym) though probably for the wrong reasons.  The C of Scotland is awfully dull sometimes.

I also agree that it's nice to have your Sunday mornings free.  My husband is now working away during the week, so the only time we get to see him is the weekend. 



  • Posts: 2658
Re: The Library
« Reply #12763 on: January 20, 2014, 08:34:24 AM »
Interesting.  I haven't been inside a church, except for some funerals, since high school (I'm now 80 years old).  The only thing I miss is the music.  Love it when they sing some old hymns on the Andy Griffith program.

"Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill."  Barbara Tuchman


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #12764 on: January 20, 2014, 09:25:37 AM »
Being a Philadelphia Quaker,the answer is no..The nearest meeting house that I know of is int Orlando and is the Ohio Quaker with a minister, etc. There is a small meeting house in Savannah. But I can have a be still and listen to within all by myself.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 4161
Re: The Library
« Reply #12765 on: January 20, 2014, 10:00:43 AM »
I call that particular strip, "city owned property" although we must do the upkeep.  :)
“What on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book, and a cup of coffee?...Was ever anything so civil?”
__Anthony Trollope, The Warden


  • Posts: 215
Re: The Library
« Reply #12766 on: January 21, 2014, 07:55:04 AM »
I guess I am among the minority in terms of attending church.  My mother started taking my sister and I to church when I was three years old and I have attended regularly all of my life and will do so as long as my health permits.


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #12767 on: January 21, 2014, 08:59:10 AM »
Interesting. I live in a conservative area and most of the people I know are regular church goers and spend a good deal of time trying to convince me to attend their church. After MDH died so suddenly, I tried hard to see if I could find some peace and tried three different churches. The answer was NO.. but that was me.. Being alone and looking deep within for me works. I am also finding a guided medititation that we use in my body flow class works well for me. For some reason, my particular vision in the class is a big white fluffy cloud and I am sailing along.. Oh well..
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 6694
  • SE Missouri
Re: The Library
« Reply #12768 on: January 21, 2014, 09:44:23 AM »
I am also finding a guided medititation that we use in my body flow class works well for me.

I would like to know more about that class, Steph.  Is there difference between body flow and meditation.


  • Posts: 2356
    • Z's World
Re: The Library
« Reply #12769 on: January 21, 2014, 04:46:15 PM »
Click here for an article about the exciting things going on at the Chattanooga Library's main building.  Wow!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #12770 on: January 22, 2014, 09:35:04 AM »
Mae, my teacher in the body flow class ends it with a five minute guided meditation, where she talks us into relaxing step by step and then tells us to imagine floating up and looking down at ourselves. I always had problems with this and just recently, up popped a big white fluffy cloud, the kind I used to dream on as a kid. I sort of mentally hopped aboard and now I float away with a huge smile while she gets us to relax,
She finishes with.." Remember, you are long strong healthy women. Wake and go forth.. Works for me..
Just feel good today. I loan in Kiva   and I had enough of a payback to loan money to another budding business  owner. I always pick women and am mostly interested in helping with teeny stores in their house in villages. Makes me smile to think of a woman in a third world country, stocking her teeny store and helping the others obtain the food they needl.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 252
Re: The Library
« Reply #12771 on: January 22, 2014, 09:28:37 PM »
I would throw my hat in first for being so tardy, If I had one! Is that a universal saying, or an Australian/NZ one I wonder? I've been convalescing away from my laptop, and I've missed a lot, including the book discussion, I was so looking forward to. I did have the book with me in Hospital and had a good think about all things pertaining to fossils and Victorian society.
One relief is that I don't have to say 'splenic artery aneurism repair' ten times a day anymore. Every time a medical person came near me, I had to rattle that off, plus my name and date of birth.
Most of the medical staff seemed to be Asian, predominantly Korean, I thought. Tiny doll like creatures, but not to be messed with, they knew their stuff! I signed up to some program that was going on in the hospital, tracking mostly the mental state of over 65's now and in the future. Apparently, it seems depression and anxiety is terribly common in this age group after a stay in hospital. The lady rang me as arranged, 6wks after I left hospital, and kept asking about these conditions. I had to say I felt only relief. It was like having a ticking bomb removed for me.

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance. Sir Terry Pratchett.


  • Posts: 252
Re: The Library
« Reply #12772 on: January 22, 2014, 09:33:39 PM »
Steph, I just had a quick look at the Loan site. What a great thing, that is! I'll think about doing it myself. Care Australia has been my charity of choice for yonks, but I've been feeling lately that I'd like to do more.
They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance. Sir Terry Pratchett.


  • Posts: 2356
    • Z's World
Re: The Library
« Reply #12773 on: January 22, 2014, 09:51:53 PM »
Great to see you again, Octavia - after such an ordeal.  It's wonderful that you had such terrific care for such a serious condition, and in such a timely fashion. 
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10971
Re: The Library
« Reply #12774 on: January 22, 2014, 11:55:02 PM »
Welcome back, Octavia.  We've missed you.


  • Posts: 10085
Re: The Library
« Reply #12775 on: January 23, 2014, 07:21:00 AM »
Yay! Octavia is back.

I am happy to hear that your aneurism has been repaired. They are nasty little buggers.



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  • Posts: 92154
Re: The Library
« Reply #12776 on: January 23, 2014, 08:56:37 AM »
Welcome back, Octavia!~ So good to see you here again!


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #12777 on: January 23, 2014, 09:02:42 AM »
Welcome back. You sound very up. I have an aneurism, somewhere that is unreachable, but according to the neurologist, it is the type that rarely if ever grows. so he advises leaving it alone. I get a periodic MRI to track it.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 252
Re: The Library
« Reply #12778 on: January 23, 2014, 08:59:02 PM »
Thanks everyone for the lovely welcome back(blushing).
I feel relieved both for myself and my son. His cancer is stable and he's back working full time. I thought he would have to stay on half days. Best of all, he and his wife will fly out here in April, to soak up some of our sun. I'm trying not to think too far, and just enjoy the present.
Seems so strange that one half of the world is freezing, and the other half is sweltering in heat waves. People have been frying eggs on all sorts of surfaces, and seeing whose egg cooks the quickest .
The poor tennis players have been grinding it out, with all sorts of cooling aids.
Fingers crossed we might have a storm tonight, or on the weekend at the latest.
They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance. Sir Terry Pratchett.


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #12779 on: January 24, 2014, 09:06:37 AM »
I always marvel at the temperatures.. Living in Florida, I find it hard when I travel to other parts of the US to really believe it might not be hot.. Then I look at the Canadians and the far north people here. We are down in the 50's. If you live here, you are in warm slacks, long sleeves and a jacket. The Canadians... shorts and sleeveless shirts.. Oh well.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 2356
    • Z's World
Re: The Library
« Reply #12780 on: January 24, 2014, 11:06:41 AM »
Right now, it's 16 outside and 63 (and falling) in the house.  Our heater is "broke".  The guy says he is coming as soon as he gets the part to fix it.  Soon, I hope.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


  • Posts: 2658
Re: The Library
« Reply #12781 on: January 24, 2014, 11:20:09 AM »
Oh my gosh, MaryZ, cover up and keep warm.  I hope your repairman gets there fast.
We have a small electric heater for emergencies that does a pretty good job of heating one room.  Maybe you could find one of those.

"Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill."  Barbara Tuchman


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10971
Re: The Library
« Reply #12782 on: January 24, 2014, 11:40:45 AM »
Right now I'm in Hawai'i, and it's going down to the upper 60s at night.  Sunday I'll be back in Maryland, where it's going down to the single digits, up to the 20s, with wind chill advisories, and Tuesday's snow is probably still around.


  • Posts: 2356
    • Z's World
Re: The Library
« Reply #12783 on: January 24, 2014, 12:22:29 PM »
Lucky you, Pat.  We're going to Hawaii, but not until late April.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


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Re: The Library
« Reply #12784 on: January 24, 2014, 12:30:19 PM »
Even very south Texas is cold and windy.  It's 37, wind chill advisories and wind advisories are out.  Winds are at 25-30 mph and the Gulf waves are large and "angry."  The power's been out twice now.  We've got food and water and are content to stay on the 8th floor and let it happen.  I don't know how people stay during a hurricane.  

Our nephew and wife had a 103 degree temp change when they flew home Monday.  It was 80 when they left here and -23 at their home west of Minneapolis!  Whooeeee.



  • Posts: 305
Re: The Library
« Reply #12785 on: January 24, 2014, 04:27:00 PM »
MaryZ, our temps are similar to yours.  We have a gas fireplace/heater in our living room, and we have spent most of our time there.  I can't wait for it to warm up.  Not used to these temps in Tennessee.  Hope your repairman has been and fixed your problem.


  • Posts: 252
Re: The Library
« Reply #12786 on: January 24, 2014, 04:37:39 PM »
And here we are, Jane, sweltering in record heat.
'The old order changeth, giving place to new.'
 Nadal  seemed to best Federer quite easily last night, and Hewitt did the same in Brisbane. It must be hard  to come to grips with fading ability, if your trade is physical. Academics seem to go on forever, it seems.
Why is it, if you drop a lid or anything round, it heads under the nearest table, just out of reach? The coffee table's heavy, I'll probably need help.
 My sons always made a beeline for carpet, if they were going to vomit.
I suppose it's like toast falling butter side down:-(
They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance. Sir Terry Pratchett.


  • Posts: 2356
    • Z's World
Re: The Library
« Reply #12787 on: January 24, 2014, 04:39:13 PM »
Love your examples, Octavia.  It certainly does work that way.

Our HVAC wizard has temporarily fixed the furnace, and with any luck, it'll hold until Monday when the necessary part comes in.  And we'll think about replacing the system in the spring.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 8685
Re: The Library
« Reply #12788 on: January 24, 2014, 04:58:41 PM »
MARYZ: AAAACK! Keep warm!


  • Posts: 1231
  • Sept 2013
Re: The Library
« Reply #12789 on: January 24, 2014, 06:48:19 PM »
Mary. Hope the repair man means he will find the part today. You at least not getting the below zero temps. Say about 11 below for us tonight again and with the winds still going will be close to 30below.
I have a new gas heater but it is still in the box along with the fuel to run it. Should have gotten it close to the house. It is in the Outdoor shed.  My furnace is just about 2 years old and seems to be keeping up. Have it on 73 and it is staying that.

The real "Mary Poppins"Author will be profiled on our PBS station tonight  Friday at 8PM.Illinois time.


  • Posts: 2356
    • Z's World
Re: The Library
« Reply #12790 on: January 24, 2014, 06:54:40 PM »
Well, our heat was short-lived.  He's going to try to get the part tomorrow, but isn't sure.  It's supposed to be 20ish tonight, so not as bad, then in the upper 40s tomorrow.  We'll survive, but @###$%$#$#.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 6694
  • SE Missouri
Re: The Library
« Reply #12791 on: January 24, 2014, 10:50:39 PM »
Well, one advantage of these cold cold days. They're perfect for snuggling into the recliner, covering up with a throw and reading a good book.

This, from Charles Blow's column in the NYT --

“The Pew Research Center reported last week that nearly a quarter of American adults had not read a single book in the past year. As in, they hadn’t cracked a paperback, fired up a Kindle, or even hit play on an audiobook while in the car. The number of non-book-readers has nearly tripled since 1978.”

The details of the Pew report are quite interesting and somewhat counterintuitive. Among American adults, women were more likely to have read at least one book in the last 12 months than men. Blacks were more likely to have read a book than whites or Hispanics. People aged 18-29 were more likely to have read a book than those in any other age group. And there was little difference in readership among urban, suburban and rural population.

Reading Books is Fundamentalurl]


  • Posts: 1093
Re: The Library
« Reply #12792 on: January 25, 2014, 03:44:30 AM »
So sorry about your heating problems, MaryZ.  Have you noticed that heaters always seem to go out on the coldest days and a/cs on the hottest! (or on week-ends).  I guess they are working extra hard on the cold or hot days.


  • Posts: 2356
    • Z's World
Re: The Library
« Reply #12793 on: January 25, 2014, 08:45:18 AM »
True, Sally .  Also this unit is about 25years old.  We'll probably replace it in the spring...if a repair will last that long.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #12794 on: January 25, 2014, 08:55:43 AM »
Maryz,, it is morning and hopefully you are not regreting staying in the house.. Please please get warm and stay tht way. You and John are much too nice to be cold....
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 2658
Re: The Library
« Reply #12795 on: January 25, 2014, 11:29:56 AM »
Jane wrote, "Our nephew and wife had a 103 degree temp change when they flew home Monday.  It was 80 when they left here and -23 at their home west of Minneapolis!  Whooeeee."

Whooeee is right!!  There must not be any homeless people in Minneapolis!  If there were, they'd soon be dead.

"Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill."  Barbara Tuchman


  • Posts: 1231
  • Sept 2013
Re: The Library
« Reply #12796 on: January 25, 2014, 12:12:00 PM »
Here in town this weekend will be the 3 year of volunteers sleeping out in cardboard boxes to collect for street people . It will be minus 8 deg sat. Sunday nights. The do 6pm--6am. Have 75 people so far.  We have volunteers going out at night in winter checking for streetpeople.
Only problem now is the word has gone out as to how well we take care of them. Finding more and more that come in from other areas right now. Specially from Chicago. So getting more crime. Drugs.


  • Posts: 3725
Re: The Library
« Reply #12797 on: January 25, 2014, 02:05:24 PM »
If you have not already read Aimee Molloy's book:  HOWEVER LONG THE NIGHT, you should put it on the very top of your reading stack.  Seriously.

It is about how an American girl, Molly Melching, went to Senegal in Africa for a semester of college and stayed and changed the female culture immensely and permanently.

It is a truly "WOW" book, and every female on this planet should read it.

And no, I have no connection whatsoever with the author or the heroine.  Only admiration.

And lots of that!

I should warn you that when I first ordered this book, I did not pay close enough attention and I got a book by the SAME TITLE but by another author.  So watch carefully!


  • Posts: 252
Re: The Library
« Reply #12798 on: January 25, 2014, 04:16:02 PM »
I shudder when I see the temperatures in America and Europe.
Today is Australia Day and aborigines  are having a smoking ceremony on Sydney Harbour. It looks a little grey, Hope it doesn't rain and spoil all the festivities.
There's always a certain amount of tension between races on this day, with a proportion of aboriginals denouncing an invasion, and Europeans celebrating the birth of a nation. I wish we could unite as one great country.
I seem to be the only Aussie here, I wish there were more. An Irishman on Radio told the story of how he followed his girlfriend to W.A, and after they broke up, he decided to stay. He fell in love with the country and Melbourne coffee.
They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance. Sir Terry Pratchett.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 8685
Re: The Library
« Reply #12799 on: January 25, 2014, 06:59:44 PM »
Octavia: we have had quite a few Aussies over the years. It's unusual to only have one. Glad you're here.

I've been staying up every night to watch the Australian Open in Melbourne. Last night, I started to watch the women's final, fell asleep almost at once, and woke up during the trophy presentation.

I'm amazed by the variety and quick changes in the weather there! Are you in Melbourne?