I would throw my hat in first for being so tardy, If I had one! Is that a universal saying, or an Australian/NZ one I wonder? I've been convalescing away from my laptop, and I've missed a lot, including the book discussion, I was so looking forward to. I did have the book with me in Hospital and had a good think about all things pertaining to fossils and Victorian society.
One relief is that I don't have to say 'splenic artery aneurism repair' ten times a day anymore. Every time a medical person came near me, I had to rattle that off, plus my name and date of birth.
Most of the medical staff seemed to be Asian, predominantly Korean, I thought. Tiny doll like creatures, but not to be messed with, they knew their stuff! I signed up to some program that was going on in the hospital, tracking mostly the mental state of over 65's now and in the future. Apparently, it seems depression and anxiety is terribly common in this age group after a stay in hospital. The lady rang me as arranged, 6wks after I left hospital, and kept asking about these conditions. I had to say I felt only relief. It was like having a ticking bomb removed for me.