I can't even get the "spare room" cleaned out for a day much less an entire house. I well remember when we moved here and how i laughed (shows you how young I was) saying we'll never fill THIS place up.
Oh yes we did, or I did, yes indeed. I'm beginning to look like something on Hoarders here, it's ridiculous.
There's a new book out on stats about how we live today and somewhere in an article on it I saw written the average home has 486 books. 486 books. I bet if I counted those around me here in the pantry off the kitchen there would be 486, and it talks about how your home reflects who you are, that is, when people walk in they can see what's important to you. (I hope that does not include going into the spare room or the pantry, those two areas reveal perhaps something I need to conceal? hahahaa ). I've got it on order, it seems an interesting concept. But one wonders what DOES your decor reveal about you?
The one thing that has sparked me toward cleaning up those two areas is something I read from the child of a hoarder: you think that what you've painstakingly accumulated will be as meaningful to your children or others someday as it was to you, it won't. They will resent having to clear it out, this article said, written by one who was doing the clearing, so that sort of snapped things into perspective.
Good luck in your move, Stephanie.
Good luck to your mom and you, Rosemary, I hope everything works out for the best. I liked Pedln's idea of living a short while in a place if allowed to see how it suits. (By the way, my daughter in law says pimiento cheese sandwiches for your SC lunch).
What interesting news about Johnny Depp and the new books initiative! I love coming in here and being on top of all this stuff, from your posts. I think that's splendid!! And an antidote maybe to everything on e books. I bought recently a book almost on the appearance alone, but then again it WAS Dave Eggers, and his Hologram for the King.
What are you all reading?
I'm reading The Care of Wooden Floors by Will Wiles, a book with dazzling reviews from a new author which I heard about on NPR, I think it was. It's very very different: it really defies categorization: it's a trip, at parts hilarious, just scream out loud funny, sort of that Monk character from the TV mysteries show who is so hypersensitive to his own feelings and body that it really...I just laughed out loud in bed last night and could not go to sleep.
On the other hand something perhaps not so nice is happening as an undercurrent. One wonders which will win. And actually the reference to Poe's Tell Tale Heart, I think, in the book is a good one, there's a very delicate balance going on here with sanity, perhaps. This could go either way, the main character seems to be disintegrating and the funny parts are more than offset by the not so funny at all.
There's a lot about being drunk, which might not appeal, I really could not recommend it and can't imagine discussing it (or could one?) but there's something about it which is quite immersing. I'm about 2/3rds of the way thru.
The premise is a friend from London agrees to housesit the apartment of a famous composer whose apartment is architecturally perfect down to the precious inlaid wood floors and what happens.
If you are a cat lover you probably wouldn't like it, either, tho I am not sure what a person with perfect inlaid wood floors and leather couches is doing with two cats in residence, (who are let out at night) but...
It's really different in a sort of disturbing way. Not sure what it means yet.