Don't hold your breath waiting till the Roman Catholic Church changes its teachings on Sex and Marriage. It will take another Council, maybe called Vatican III and some new blood in the Curia as well as, another way of theorizing philosophy and theology.
Back during Vatican II
Sex, Marriage and Population Control was a commission that readied its report after meeting several years with clergy, cardinals, lay people - When Vatican II got underway there were 16 commissions that because of time and money - they figured it had to be completed in less than 5 years - 8 of the commissions were cancelled.
Pope John XXIII opened Vatican II and died soon after. Pope Paul VI was more of an administrator and decided that the 8 had to go and he decided after some heavy politicking by the then Secretary of State to make sure 3 particular commissions never reached the floor - the one addressing
Celibacy and the Priests role as Minister of the Faith -
Contraception that was included in the commission on Sex, Marriage and Population Control and the final estocada [thrust of the sword] the commission to re-organize the
Frozen molasses moves faster then the Curia which is like in our Government a combo of - the Cabinet, the Supreme Court, the Pentagon and some aspects of our Senate. Remember it is only since the early 1900s that any of these positions including being a Cardinal required you had to be an ordained priest - often upon receiving the appointment you were ordained since Cardinals are suppose to control a Bishopric. All to say politicking is Uno in the church.
A good book to at lest read the reviews on the Amazon page
The Politics of Sex and Religion: A Case History in the Development of Doctrine, 1962-1984 next aspect of all this is looking and looking to find the crux of their stand on women's reproductive rights - rather than seeing this as a conflict between science and morality or ethics - it is all about theory in Philosophy.
This was a study a few of us embarked on a few years back that included reading at least 25 books and discussing the issues as we studied them with many in the Church as well as those who renounced their vows. I forgot some of it but in a nutshell it all comes down to an active, moving sperm and a still, waiting egg - those dynamics are tied to so many other basic philosophical theories on movement trumping stillness that they cannot get around those basics therefore, they have concluded the sperm trumps.
Here is a link that includes thoughts from Whitehead, the Anglican Theologian who is best known for the concept that 'God is becoming,' as the Universe expands so does God - this page is an example of the kind of thinking that goes into this stuff.