I see the Koch brothers running the country making Congressmen crazy - Koch money finances to the hilt a Tea Party candidate so that with money alone the candidate wins - all you have to do is read
Coercion: Why We Listen to What "They" Say http://tinyurl.com/pulkjdo and you quickly learn that the best of us and the brightest of us are not immune and end up voting for these candidates. Those of us who think we are too smart to be coerced, that smartness is used as the weapon. A good campaign knows how to use these tactics.
The Koch brothers have the Republicans - if they do not fall in line than they find and finance a Tea Party candidate that will run against them. As much money as a candidate can put in a war chest they are always topped by the Koch brothers who want their form of politics to rule. On top of which there is no holds bared on any big money financing what ever they want since the recent ruling by the Supreme Court that now, after a history of even being taught in school that a corporation was not an individual it appears to me big money is influencing the courts.
We are comparing the current state of Washington with what we knew - think about it - Chris Matthews wrote a book, that I want to read that explains how Tip O'Neil was a good friend and worked with Reagan even though they fought each other and said, during the work day some terrible things about each other. This is the Washington we expect and is no more.
Now the knee jerk instinct is no longer finding any common ground but to challenge and make it into all out war. They are no better than the police who no longer use any sense but their first instinct is to shoot - not just after seeing it was a lone women with a child in back and then letting go a barrage of bullets, that shoot first behavior is happening over and over in our cities. Here we have had several unarmed men killed because the fled in fear of the police and the police killed them. The authority of this nation are all on another level of using their power then we have ever seen. It is no different than living in a home with a raving drunk. Regardless what we do we cannot out-think the next chaotic event.
Have you noticed the ones who act like they will not take any hostages but, bull doze, regardless who is hurt, their agenda are all under the age of 60 - I know this sounds crazy even for me however, this is the 50th year since it was made illegal to pray in schools. All these guys were in school, in grade school when that became law.
It is not a particular prayer that I think made a difference as much as taking a minute out each day to give honor to a system of moral values that like saying the pledge each day (which they no longer do either) grounded a kid to realize there is more than how well they do on a test or how well they come across bullying a classmate. The lose of school prayer was also the beginning of the 'me' generation. God is out of the way and so "me" and my ego are it! That means I must be powerful and anyone or group who can help lift me into a position of power is my mentor, regardless government or private sector.
If officials now, regardless in Washington or even security at the airport can rattle their sabers of power like out of control kids bringing a reign of behavior that is all about them, then like a raving drunk they need a treatment center - the least expensive is to attend 12 step meetings and one of the first things you learn is to accept and turn to a higher power that most of us are comfortable believing that is a God.
The only God we have now is the battle over abortion and gays - the God of love and compassion disappeared with school prayer which I am realistic enough to know it never coming back. But why did that mean we no longer start the school day standing in place and saying aloud the pledge - not a pledge no one listens to that is said over the loud speaker but each student participating and why do we no longer teach civics in school so that we know what our representatives are hired to do and how this nation is supposed to work.
I am angry but more i want it fixed and knowing how we can no longer fix Washington we need to see that kids today are not educated to follow in the footsteps of these floundering, "me" centered elected representatives with no sense of "liberty and Justice for all".