Wow Babi you just raised the bar - now I need to go back and re-read those two chapters after you found those nuggets.
ancestor worship never thought of the connection but you are onto something - like you I have heard of ancestor worship but have not looked at it more than a passing bit of trivia.
All this book does it seems is be a storyline to keep close at hand many other books and to learn about things that seldom grab our attention until we allow ourselves to ask why and when was that or who did what.
JoanP isn't there a story told to children about Croesus turning everything he touches into gold and he cannot hug his daughter because she would be turned into a statue of gold. Seems to me while reading something by Micheal Woods found by archaeologists was the ruins of the house that was attributed as being the home of Croesus. It was a popular saying that we do not hear as often today -
Rich as CroesusRich he sure seems reckless doesn't he - my thought was a travel book is usually how someone overcame some difficulty and therefore had embarked on an adventure - thus a problem, climax, solution ending. I am thinking these impulsive risks are his problems that make the book an adventure story - I guess no different than someone who risks life and limb to climb tall mountains, or hunt wild animals, or like Richard Louis "Dick" Proenneke.
Dick is the one who made a film of his adventure. When he retired in 1968 he builds a log cabin at Twin Lakes, Alaska and lived alone hunting, fishing and gathering berries for the next 30 years. Most of his problems were not tackling wild animals or getting himself lost in a blizzard but simply the adventure of making all sorts of cooking and storage out of tin cans from goods delivered to him by a bush pilot a couple of times a year or finishing his fireplace before winter freezes everything.
I guess we could look closer at our own simple lives and find the adventures but yes, going off with strangers seems to be asking for trouble. He does say he does not know why he does this and questions himself but quickly goes forward - Like you say it would not be a story if he acted cautiously.
Maybe he is writing a warning of what not to do.
When I have traveled I am seldom travel alone to a place where I do not know the language. - One time hiking in Mexico with 7 others - we had a burro to carry our backpacks and a local guide - hiking up a mesa with 6 ft tall grass kept us on a path when all of a sudden this guy looking like a typical movie version of a bandito with a handle bar mustache rides up out of no where. On his hips are two pistols and two shot guns on the saddle telling us to stop and stay put - we stop - there was no way we could hide or run -
In minutes, back he comes with of all things a two year old child behind the pommel in front of him on the saddle. He wants us to take his picture with his grandchild - talk about relief -
The one guy in our group goes to this area 4 or 5 times a year and take pictures that the next trip he delivers - word in this remote area travels - while on this trip he gave a young man the photo of his Dad taken during the last trip and the young man bursts into tears - seems the Dad died only two weeks before and this was the only photo they will have of the Dad.