Senator Snowe appears to be maddingly coy about her vote to endorse the Finance Committee's bill. She says her prime concern is affordability. If it is not truly affordable, then the "must buy" mandate is unfair. She does have a point. She comes from Maine, and if people leave the gorgeous shoreline tourist towns, like the 'Bush family's summer home of Kennebunkport, the interior of the state has pockets of shocking rural poverty. Even in the tourist towns, supposedly well to do, there are loads of small business men, lobster fishermen, restaurant owners. etc. who do not have a lot of employees, are seasonal, and could not afford to offer health insurance,. Sp what is the solution.? Drop the mandate and lose tons of people who are low risk and could afford it if they wanted to make it a priority, or raise the level of subsidy which is now up to families of 4 making 66,000 a year> That means even more money into the pockets of the insurance companies, if there is no government public option insurance. Is there another way?