I read the article about the priary care clinic in Phoenix; yes, they are not accepting Medicare for primary care visits any more. they still accept them for specialist care, lab work, etc. The reason givn is that the Medicare reimbursment is not adequate to cover the costs.
Many doctors give this reason for not accepting Medicare patients. And for not accepting poor people's Medicaid insurance, which is even stingier in some state.
But who sets the costs? The provider does. If your neighbor has a huge mansion, two Caddies in the driveway, a swimming pool, vacatons in Europe or the tropics every few monts, and then says, "My employer is not paying me enough to cover my costs," what would your first thought be?
Patients have no idea what the actual cost of their care is, do they? Each component of the medical syste is "selling" something to some other coponent, and charging as much as they can. The bitter truth is that there will be no reform, and no cost control unless hospitals, doctors, drug companies and equipment manufacutrers, and insurance companies, make LESS money. They will fight like tigers to keep that from happeinin, even though if they dont, and the upward trend continues, Medicare will be GONE by 2017, if not sooner, according to some economists. Think what that is going to mean.
Can't stop this rant without saying that I think primary care doctors are not making enought money; one of the consequences will be a lack of primary care internists, pediatricians, ob/gyns and geriatricians. I dont know how accurate this is but someone told me the average income for a primary care doctor is only about100thousand Some Wall St guys make that in an hour.