JEAN, I think most of us have some difficulty with being honest, without being harsh.
It is possible, but very hard to manage when one is angry or upset. I think you are 100%
correct in taking "What's the most productive thing to do here" route. Which, of course,
is also difficult it you've lost your temper. KEY!..don't lose your temper!
MARYPAGE, I imagine that's a pretty fair description of relationships in a good-sized
family. Our children each have such distinctive personalities; we have to learn to appreciate the best in them. And like URSA says, let them go to be themselves.
My, we're getting philosophical. Uh, mysteries, yes...I've started re-reading Josephine Tey.
I'm into "Man in the Queue" and have already spotted a discrepancy I don't remember seeing
before. Neither did the police Lieutenant.