To anyone who has read the John Sandford "Lucas Davenport" books, I just want to say that if you were expecting last nights TV presentation of his "Certain Prey" with Mark Harmon to carry even a smidgen of the books, surprise. This show was, IMHO, awful. It was overly violent (but it was about a hit-woman), it was filled with obscenities, which I did not expect on the USA Network, and was so bad, after I watched the first 30-35 minutes of it, I switched back to the football game! Who knows how it ended, and as for me, who cares. Even Mark Harmon was not good in this role, the gal who played the "heavy" was over the top, but by George, I kinda liked the "hit woman". She didn't chew the scenery and went about her "work" in a determined manner, although 5 or 6 or 8 shots with a pistol, close-up, for me, that was overkill. As you can tell, I don't recommend this movie, and don't let it chase you away from the actual books if you haven't read 'em!