I just started a book that looks as though it's going to be very good. "Franklin and Lucy:Pres R, Mrs Rutherford and the Other Remarkable Women in His Life" by Joseph Persico who wrote a great book on the Nuremberg trials.
He says in the introduction, "The present theme, the women who figured prominently in Roosevelt's life, was prompted by my conviction that their influence was decisive. They formed and reveal him. ........he cannot begin to be understood w/out examining the shaping hand of his mother, wife, one true love and the other women who satisfied FDRs deep seated need for adulation, admiration, approval and respite from the crushing burdens of his office. They provided the oxygen to his soul. To study the man largely through his male associates, however key ........ Yields an imcomplete picture. It is no coincidence that present w/FDR at Warm Springs, Ga on the day he died were three close women companions...........
"The story of FDRs women delves into Eleanor Roosevelt's often perplexing involvements w/ both men and women and how F's conduct as a husband contributed to her behavior. The most extraordinary truth of their marriage is that the greatest man of his time, and arguably the greatest woman of her age, were wedded to each other. History offers nothing comparable........."
His writing is very readable - except for trying to keep all those Roosevelt's, especially the "James," of which there are at least three, straight. I suppose the title was thought up by the publisher, F and L sounds much juicier then The Women in Franklin's Life. Actually the title made me pick it up at the library. But i look forward to reading more about the cousins. I know quite a lot already about the controlling Sara, his mother and of course ER.