hahha, well, I liked (as well as I can recall) Retail Hell, and found it amusing. Perhaps it echoed my own foray into the world of sales clerk, in the Ladies Better Coats (and that was a promotion after a year) of a national chain, it certainly seemed like Hell to me. hahahhhaaha
When I first started teaching here in SC in the early 60's you got paid for 9 months. You could choose to spread this over 12 months or you could take larger payments over 9. There was not enough money either way. So I'd leave school at 3 or 3:30, latest, and go down a couple of blocks to a major department store and work there till 9, 9:30, or later, depending on the holiday, to get extra money.
Sure seemed like Hell to me.
(1) You did not get time off to eat, no matter how long the day, you could not be seen eating, so the staff ran in the changing rooms under pretext of cleaning them up and scarfed down what food they had sequestered in. That was the first time I ever saw anybody eat Vienna (pronounced vie EEE na by the staff) sausages from a can, cold. Also baked beans from a can, cold.
(2) You did not sit down. Ever. That's a long period of time. You "appeared busy." (I wonder if this still goes on and is why you can never find a sales clerk today? It might be fun to find out). You rearranged clothes on racks, you adjusted clothes on racks. You fussed over clothes on racks. You were watched, by the...I can't recall, do they call them Floor Walkers? They always had something else they wanted done. You competed with people, wonderful people with not many resources, whose lives depended on those bonuses, because every sale was a competition, in this store, whether you knew it or not. Sales=higher scores, (everybody has a score) = bonus= promotions= higher salary. Am still inordinately proud of making it to Ladies Better Coats, tho if I told you the name of the store you'd collapse in hysteria. Truly there was not much of a difference, and only about 10 feet of floor space dividing my former miserable realm with the elevated new one. Still! Ladies Better Coats!!
Where next one wondered? The Pentagon?
(3) And the customers!! I have seen sights after 9 pm you could not imagine, I really have. I could really write a book. I won't here, but I could. And the staff, their poignant stories, what wonderful people they were.
Thus endeth my foray into retail, sort of like Mame Dennis's in the movie Mame, but much longer lasting.
Stephanie, I can't imagine a prize of a tour of a slaughter house for a 4-H winner, somebody is sick. I'm sorry you had to do that. My own sons won County and State 4-H and FFA Championships in Poultry, over many years, even winning a trip to Chicago to represent SC nationally. I think a trip to a slaughter house as prize is twisted.