I see Shakespeare a bit addled at the fact beauty lasts only for a short time, because the same sky that helps grow beauty takes it away..... time is inevitable, death is inevitable, there is no denying either. He wants to wage war against time to save the beauty of youth, and because he can't stop either, he recreates them through his poems.
Barb, I like the picture of the flowers you placed above this Sonnet. I am so into flowers this Summer, I just went and purchased yet more perennials today. I feel a bit like Shakespeare wanting the beauty to last forever. As one of my perennials die off, because there time has come and gone for the season, one new flower blossoms for their time of season. I keep taking pictures after pictures of each new beginning of the blossom, and when it is in full bloom and posting and sharing on my Facebook. I will then have these pictures to look back at in the winter when everything is covered in a blanket of snow. My pictures are much like Shakespeare's poems, he can recreate and recapture the youth and beauty in his poems, I can enjoy and recapture those Spring/Summer feelings once again through my pictures.
So, with all this procreation talk, is he really only trying to keep the beauty of things/people alive in his mind? I think perhaps so. Hmmmm..... makes me think as if Shakespeare wants to cheat death. This is where the comfort of everlasting life comes in for me.