Personally I think it is fantasy to think just by doing it over it would be better than what we have accomplished - it sounds like so many who think we are responsible for our lives - choices that we know the alternatives yes, but look how various world events shaped us. Depression WWII, and now the nonsense pulled by the banks and wall street - there have been other events but I cannot trace the event as directly to my life as those who were more affected by Viet Nam and Iraq or even 9/11.
All these events shaped, not only who we are but altered some of the opportunities so that we did not always have the choices we dreamed about and then, within families there are various events, death, illness, unexpected happenings that we have raised ourselves to those challenges -
To live it over again, do we fantasize about a life without outside forces guiding our choices - do we even see some of the choices we make because of our economic bracket and in what part of the world we live - it is all so subjective and to me I think any book or author who can help us celebrate what we have accomplished given our challenges is worthy of our listening ear.
I also think the butterfly affect that we cause and that we react to is part of the how and why of our life choices. And so to imagine ourselves with different influences for each life cycle I do not think would help us arrive at better - I guess the fantasy thinking of doing it over is to believe we can have Sir Thomas More's
Utopia if we just have another chance.
As to becoming wise and creating an inner space where we get it - what are we getting that we are not all working on - OK yes, peace for ourselves and the ability to create a peaceful space around us - fine - if we can do that without struggle then why bother to be alive, what is there to learn plus, we would need this god like ability to control our circumstances so that our life turns out as we prefer and if someone would just suggest we could keep at it till we have that awesome power then let's go for it.
Many of the Taoists believe in a returning spirit and it is easy to get caught up in the beauty and logic of it but stepping back even to have grown up in some isolated mountain where the world has little impact then what - are we here to exist in safety or like the parable about multiplying our 10 talents where we can affect the lives of others which does mean joining the rest of society with all its influences, some that we have no control over and we must learn to exist with the un-planned for and unexpected.
"it could'a been" or "here is anther round at it" is not my cup of tea.